Watch out for Autumn Staggers


Reduce the risk of Autumn Staggers 

Although the main staggers (hypomagnesaemia) danger time is spring, some producers will still need to be aware of the condition as autumn is quickly approaching, and it is likely we will get a second wind of rapidly growing grass.

Grass staggers, or hypomagnesaemia, is a metabolic condition affecting both cattle and sheep, caused by a deficiency of magnesium in the diet. Rapidly growing grass contains low amounts of magnesium, and if there are no other sources of magnesium, for example, when grazing, symptoms related to the breakdown of the metabolic system can be seen – twitching, tremors, reduced feed intake and milk yield, tetany, and eventually death.

Who is at risk of staggers?

Those most at risk from grass staggers are older and lactating animals, stressed animals and livestock grazing on grass that has had recent application of slurry or other potash containing fertilisers.

How can I prevent staggers?

Prevention is easier and cheaper than a cure – feeding a supplemental source of magnesium such as MEGALIX Quattro Mag during the staggers risk period is a good measure to ensure animals are receiving a sufficient level. MEGALIX Quattro Mag is palatable and contains the most consistent, bio-available form of magnesium on the market.

Megalix Quattro Mag, is available in 20kg and 80kg tubs, contains four sources of magnesium to enable rapid and long-lasting supplementation. There are versions with and without copper, suitable for single species, or mixed grazing. Supply one tub per 25 head of cattle, or 50 head of sheep for 24/7 access to a quality source of magnesium.

For more information email or call our customer services team on 01292 280 909.


MEGALIX Quattro Mag, High magnesium lick for cattle
Reduce the risk of staggers with MEGALIX Quattro Mag
High Magnesium tub without copper for mixed grazing
MEGALIX Quattro mag Sheep